We have built an economic, political, and academic international clean energy consortium-conglomerate developing solar energy around the world.

Congo Industries, an international conglomerate is expanding its leadership in the solar energy industry with subsidiaries in finance and weather monitoring on a worldwide level.  Congo Industries uses the financial markets to capture profits from geopolitical and macroeconomic development. Firms use financial markets to mitigate the macroeconomic and political risk that could result in a negative equation. The Carbon Credit trading unit is designed to monitor global events, arbitraging crack-spreads, discrepancies: sell-off and buy side-risk in global development markets. Congo Industries (Modeling- Keiretsu System) with our mathematical-financial models, generating wealth through 21 Revenue Streams as of this writing, six Intellectual Properties are not yet factored into the Performa or Spreadsheet bringing it to a total of twenty-one Revenue Streams.19-Revenue Streams-Intellectual Properties of Congo Capital Management, LLC: 6 of the 21 revenue streams: Intellectual-Properties: We are not showing now, holding them back. We’ll use them as we develop, our sophisticated trading platforms. Being multiple-cross variations of international sectors in our economy and will support the U.S. economy. We’ll use them as we develop, our sophisticated trading platforms equaling $1,697,628,475,558 Trillion Dollars over 20 years for 200 Solar Power Plants. 

Transforming the United States energy models towards complete renewable sources with vast economic and environmental benefit places Congo Industries as leaders without comparison; while multinational solar conglomerates depend on two revenue streams, electric and S-Rec, Congo Industries has developed twelve revenue streams with program language written by Congo Industries and papers filed and approved by the library of Congress, Washington, D.C.  Financed through Investment Banks, Merchant Banks, and International Banking Consortiums totaling $3.6 Billion USD.

In addition, we are developing our subsidiary-banking arm into a venture capital bank to finance other projects in which we have an interest to vertically integrate.  Our political connections have been cultivated over forty years and have taken us into Washington, D.C. with a lobbyist arm from our work, relationships, and finances.

Best Companies To Watch 2023: Business Insight Review

Congo Capital Management, LLC



Mr. Dale Congo: President & CEO: Chairmen of The Board